Saturday, November 28, 2020

Incurable Chapter 9 Part 1

Mu Wan followed Liu Qianxiu into the house, and the corridor lights folded into rectangular post lamps on the door. When she came yesterday, Mu Wan looked at the door and remembered it was empty. 

“Why didn’t Zhou Yi squat to wait at the door?” asked Mu Wan.

Behind her, Liu Qianxiu closed the door. When a “click” sounded, Liu Qianxiu’s low voice came behind her: “Waiting for what?”

While holding the flower, Mu Wan put on her slippers and said, “Waiting for the master to come home.”

Liu Qianxiu turned on the light, and the room became bright. The living room is empty but doesn’t look lonely. In a deep voice, Liu Qianxiu picked up the medicine box and said, “Only people will wait.”

People will wait for their masters to return home.

She was waiting for Liu Qianxiu at the door today. With that said, the relationship between the two is delicate.

When Mu Wan came to her senses, Liu Qianxiu returned with the medicine box in his hand, and his expression didn’t change.

Mu Wan returned to her senses. Liu Qianxiu carried the medicine box, and his expression remained unchanged. Mu Wan smiled and didn’t care about it. Then, according to his instructions, she sat on the carpet next to the low table.

The carpet is a little thicker and has a strong fragrance. Mu Wan returned to her senses and handed the flower to Liu Qianxiu’s arms. Then Liu Qianxiu looked down at her. Mu Wan sat on the carpet and raised her head to meet his gaze. Liu Qianxiu’s eyes were as dark as ink and dotted with lights.

“It’s for you. Thank you for helping me care for my kitten and inviting me to eat Yang Chun noodles.”

It was a large bunch of flowers. Liu Qianxiu held the paper outside the bouquet with his fingers. After a rustle, he sat cross-legged, holding the flower, and said, “You’re welcome. Thank you for your flowers.”

The good-looking man held the beautiful flowers, which looked very attractive. Mu Wan looked at Liu Qianxiu in a daze as if he were looking at a newly completed oil painting. Every stroke was just right and flawless.

Liu Qianxiu’s temperament was so eye-catching that Mu Wan ignored his appearance. The two sat close together and looked at each other carefully. Liu Qianxiu’s face had a natural and delicate appearance. It’s like a lake and a forest. It’s more like the distant mountains under the mist behind the lake and forest. He is extraordinary, beautiful, and tasteful. He is quite different from the male stars, with perfect facial features in the entertainment circle.

The male star relies on his face to eat and gradually loses his spirit as time passes. Liu Qianxiu’s aura has been simmering like wine sealed from the altar. The stronger Liu Qianxiu’s character was, the more people just looking at his face could indulge themselves in it and be unable to extricate.

Only two people were in the spacious living room, but Mu Wan felt cramped. Liu Qianxiu, beside her, lowered his head to treat her wounds. The lamp in the living room shone on his face. Liu Qianxiu’s expression looked focused and gentle. 

He is an expressly cold person from the inside out. But with such a person, Mu Wan saw his face’s tenderness.

There was silence, and she could hear the air conditioning blowing out from the air outlet. A trace of heat steamed from the bottom of Mu Wan’s heart, scratching her throat, and it itched like when Liu Qianxiu wiped her wound with a cotton swab.

“You are not cold at all.” Mu Wan bent her knees. She returned her hands to the carpet to maintain her center of gravity. The rough texture of the cotton and linen covered the palm of her hand with a textile seal.

When Mu Wan said this, her tone was relaxed and lazy, like chatting with an old friend for many years. With both hands back, his posture is free and easy. Her neck was slanted to one side, revealing half of her white collarbone. Above the collarbone, her neck is slender.

Liu Qianxiu raised his eyes and looked at her. He saw that Mu Wan was smiling. Her appearance was bright and beautiful. When she laughed, she added a touch of charm and sweetness that she did not know herself. Everything is magnified and stretched at such a close distance.

Withdrawing his gaze, Liu Qianxiu bandaged her wound and finished the treatment. He put the things in the medicine box and responded to Mu Wan’s words in a low voice.

“I’m not indifferent to cats only.”

Mu Wan’s eyes moved to the wound, which was well-treated. She put down her knees and sat cross-legged like Liu Qianxiu. The two face each other, one calm and the other bright.

Mu Wan curled her lips and yelled softly.

“Meow~ I am a cat.”

Mu Wan’s voice spreads across the small space like paint falling into the water and gradually fading. Her voice is a bit hoarse with a charming, magnetic sense of a woman. Her low voice is affecting him.

Liu Qianxiu’s Adam’s apple moved slightly.

Mu Wan couldn’t observe his subtle movements. After calling out, she added another sentence and said, “Can this Meow have another dinner?”

Liu Qianxiu looked at her for a long time. Finally, he got up from the carpet and went into the kitchen.

Liu Qianxiu cooked tomato and shrimp spaghetti for dinner. Looking at two plates of pasta, Mu Wan was slightly surprised: “Can you eat seafood?”

The deep meaning is that Daochang Liu is not taboo in anything.

Liu Qianxiu seemed to understand her deep meaning, and when he opened the chair and sat down, he said, “I am not a monk.”

Mu Wan: “...”

After dinner, Mu Wan went home after seeing Ertong and Datou.

The rain at night stopped again, and without the accompaniment of the rain, the world was silent. After a shower, Mu Wan was lying on the bed, looking at the lamp hanging on the dark ceiling.

There is only one lamp in the bedroom, just like herself.

It is easy for people to think deeply in the middle of the night. Mu Wan looked at the lamp and remembered what Liu Qianxiu had said.

Only people will wait.

Why are only people waiting? Because people can simply relieve the loneliness of another person.


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