Saturday, June 18, 2022

Incurable Chapter 50 Part 1

Mu Wan didn’t know why Liu Qianxiu was so sure she would be pregnant at first. But after more than twelve hours on the plane, Liu Qianxiu gradually made her understand.

Rely on quantity to win.

When they arrived in France, it was still early in the morning, and there was already a car to pick them up at the airport. The commercial shooting was shot at a Chateau Lauer in a small town in France. The French Liu’s Auction Group staff contacted Chateau Lauer, sent a group of people there that night, and stayed in the winery.

The twelve-hour trip is not short, but the private jet is perfectly decorated, with a bed and a sofa, so it’s not too tired. As soon as Mu Wan and Liu Qianxiu entered the room, she lay down on the bed, her body exhausted, and her fingers couldn’t move.

“Are you taking a bath?” Liu Qianxiu just tidied away his things, went to sit next to her, stretched out his arms, and hugged her in his arms.

Mu Wan’s slippers fell to the ground. She put her arms around the man, her face on his shoulder, too tired to say anything. It took two or three hours from the airport to the winery, and her body was dirty. Thus, she nodded, closed her eyes, and said, “You wash me.”

Her small face buried under her bushy black hair looked tired. Thinking of what happened on the plane, she should have been exhausted. Liu Qianxiu lowered his head, kissed her hair, picked her up, and said softly, “Okay.”

Mu Wan look a marionette as he took off her clothes and carried her into the bathroom for washing. After washing and drying her hair, Liu Qianxiu took off the clothes that got wet from the bath and went to wash himself.

As soon as he went to bed, the little bushy head rubbed against him, and the two hugged each other with the same fragrance of freesia on their bodies. She lay softly in his arms and rubbed his chest.

“Are you tired?” Mu Wan was brewing drowsiness. She was amazed at Liu Qianxiu’s physical strength. When they were making love, he was the one who kept moving. She was so tired that her fingers were weak, but he could still hold her in the bath.

“Yeah.” Liu Qianxiu answered clearly, but there was no fatigue in his voice that matched his answer, “But when you work tomorrow, I can rest.”

“Ah.” Mu Wan stretched the tone, a little dissatisfied, raised her head, squinted her eyes, and said, “You can still drink wine.”

“I don’t drink.” Liu Qianxiu lowered his head and kissed her.

“Huh?” Mu Wan’s voice was lazy and puzzled, “Why?”

“Preparing for pregnancy.” Liu Qianxiu replied briefly, tracing her eyebrows with his fingers.

Hearing what he said, Mu Wan seemed to think of something, and there was a long snort in her throat, like a cat’s tail sweeping across the tip of her heart.

“You mean you don’t miss any opportunity to be with me these days because...” Mu Wan talked after a while. She was too tired, and her mind was muddy, but she couldn’t sleep now because she hadn’t slept at this time in China. After thinking for a while, she vomited two words, “Double cultivation.”

She spoke word by word like a talking toy. Liu Qianxiu replied lightly, and his fingers had reached her lips. Mu Wan’s lips are very soft and elastic. Even though she has just taken a bath, it feels moist. He rubbed his fingers and felt something touch the bottom of his heart. Before he pulled his fingers back, Mu Wan bit him.

Her little teeth moved lightly, rubbing the texture of his fingertips, and her tongue was wet and soft, licking gently.

Liu Qianxiu’s eyes were dark, and the corners of Mu Wan’s lips were slightly curved.

“Not tired?” She let go of his fingers and exposed them to the air with a slight coolness. However, there was a dark fire in Liu Qianxiu’s eyes, and he looked at her scorchingly.

“Tired.” She hugged him again and said in a flirtatious tone.

His Adam’s apple moved slightly, faintly suppressing the fire in his body. Liu Qianxiu held her in his arms and whispered, “Go to sleep.”

“You missed the opportunity to get me pregnant tonight....” Mu Wan whispered.

As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Qianxiu picked her up with both arms. Mu Wan laughed and dodged, “I am tired. I am tired. I want to sleep! I have to…tommorow!”

In the end, he put her on his body. He touched her hair and whispered, “You have to work tomorrow. It’s not good for your health to be too tired. Go to sleep.”

Mu Wan lay down gently, her cheeks pressed against his chest, and she could hear the not-so-steady heartbeat inside, feeling at ease and comfortable. When sleepiness struck, Mu Wan closed her eyes and listened to the sound of his heartbeat, and she gradually fell asleep.

She slept deeply at night, and when she got up early in the morning, Mu Wan felt refreshed.

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